Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Assignments for Thursday, March 25, 2010

Entrepreneurship - 1st and 2nd Hours

Turn in Truth or Consequences Quiz over forms of business ownership.

Discuss corporate social responsibility - aligning a company's activities with the social, economic, and environmental expectations of its customers.

Read and discuss Ben and Jerry's handouts.

Brainstorm a list of examples of corporate social responsibility.

Begin Ice Cream Saves the World assignment.

Desktop Publishing - 3rd Hour

Today is the last day to work on PhotoShop collage of your choice.


Computer Applications - 4th, 6th, and 7th Hours

Grade the Access Lesson 3 Assessments:

  • Pages 463-465 Practice It Activities 1 (PRINT ONLY FIRST FORM), 2, and 3
  • Pages 466-467 You Try It Activities 4 and 5
  • Page 468 Critical Thinking Activity 8
  • Page 469 Challenge Yourself Projects 9, 10, and 11
7th Hour - Print & turn in Access Lesson 2 Assessments.

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