Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Assignments for Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Entrepreneurship - 1st and 2nd Hours

Read "Recap of The Celebrity Apprentice March 28, 2010 'Deep-Seated Security'." At the end of this handout, read and complete assignments from "Lessons Learned from The Celebrity Apprentice from Trump University Episode 903 - March 28, 2010 - 'Deep-Seated in Security'."

Write a one-page, 12-point font, double spaced essay on the following topic: Do you agree or disagree with Donald Trump's decision from the "Deep-Seated Security" episode? Why or why not?

Finish your Ice Cream Saves the world essay and be prepared to hand those in Thursday.

Desktop Publishing - 3rd Hour

Continue working on PhotoShop Phanatics. Today we will begin Project #2.


Computer Applications - 4th, 6th, and 7th Hours

Begin PowerPoint Lesson 3 Assessments:

  • Assessments 1-6 on pages 631-636
  • Assessments 9 and 11 on page 637
You will present #11 to the class using my computer in the front of the room.

If your name is NOT listed below, you have catch-up work to complete:

4th Hour - Brooke, Chelsie
6th Hour - Micaela, Katlyn, Sarah, Lindsay
7th Hour - Tyler, Travis, Simone, Olivia

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